Tuesday 1 September 2020

Facebook Sponsored Posts – Facebook Sponsored Posts Guidelines | Facebook Sponsored Posts vs Ads

 Facebook Sponsored Posts are posts that businesses pay to deliver a large number of audiences. They are created through a business profile on this social media platform. Using this profile, you can be able to run your campaigns and advertisements for these posts. So many businesses out there are looking for ways to increase awareness for their businesses and brands. And Facebook is just the best option for you!

 Facebook Sponsored Posts vs Ads

Facebook Sponsored Posts

Facebook Sponsored Posts are organic posts that you as a business owner pay to get promoted to so many other people out there. It is possible for you to sponsor and promote your posts and content on your Facebook page. You can do this by setting a budget for a number of days and selecting your targeting options. By promoting a post, you give it a broader reach, which means it is seen by a larger audience (people). With this, it increases your brand awareness and engagement on your posts.

Sponsoring a post simply refers to advertising! However, they are easier to create than the normal ads from the Facebook ads manager. Create a post on your Facebook business page and once it is available on the page, you can be able to “Boost Post”. That’s how it works!

Big or small businesses can benefit so much from sponsored posts on their pages. Grow your organic audience, increase your followers, get more engagements, and attract brand awareness.

Facebook Sponsored Posts vs Ads

These boosted posts (sponsored posts) and Facebook ads are usually mixed up by people. However, there are many similarities between these two. First of all, it is important to know that boosted and sponsored posts are the same thing.

Now, the difference between the Facebook ads and boosted posts drops down to the easy use, length of advertising time, and the marketing objectives and goals.

Facebook Sponsored Posts Costs

Facebook Sponsored Posts are very affordable! You can advertise and boost your post using 1 dollar per day. The size of your post’s audience and the number of people who will see this post actually depends on your budget. Before sponsoring your post, you get to decide and fill in the amount and budget you want to advertise with.

Here, Facebook will provide an estimate on the people who will see your post per day over the duration of your post.

Facebook Sponsored Posts Guidelines

Here’s the part where you get to find and discover the steps on how to boost your posts. If you have got a business page where you publish posts and information about your business, products, and services, then here’s a big chance for you! Here’s how you can boost a post on Facebook.

  • On the Facebook account, access the business page
  • On the page, scroll down to the post you want to advertise
  • Under the post, click on “Boost Post”
  • Select your target audience and targeting option
  • Set up a budget and duration for the advertisement
  • Publish

That’s how it works! It will become live and visible to a larger audience to people out there.

from Fruitty Blog https://ift.tt/3bgQsL7

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