Monday, 28 October 2019

How To Train Your Child: 7 Non-Corporal Punishments That May Not Work.

How To Train Your Child: 7 Non-Corporal Punishments That May Not Work
How To Train Your Child: 7 Non-Corporal Punishments That May Not Work

When I was a school administrator, we tried to practice the new trend of non-corporal punishment. Take note of the word "tried". 😂 😂 😂

For about a year, we used a variety of disciplinary measures on the pupils but each time these measures backfired. How? Let me explain.

Below are 7 Non-Corporal Punishments That May Not Work:

1. Time Out

This worked to an extent especially for the littler ones. It was difficult getting them to sit in their time out chairs but with the aid of my thousand and one colourful scarves, I'd secure the toddler firmly in the chair and our time out session would begin. Now for the bigger children, this didn't work out well because giving a bigger child time out meant the child would miss out on part of the class as time out sessions were done in isolation. A lot of the older children didn't mind time out because they'd end up sleeping off or amusing themselves one way or another.

2. Taking Away Privileges

This one is pretty dicey especially in the school setting. What privileges are truly available to children in school apart from play time? Would it be fair to deny a child their lunch as punishment? Never. So what privilege can teacher withdraw from a pupil in a Nigerian setting? This form of punishment works best at home where parents can restrict usage of electronic devices.

3. Talking To The Child

😂 😂 😂 😂 Let me laugh first. You really want to try to reason with a tantrum throwing toddler? This can work for older children but certainly not for toddlers. Toddlers are explorers. Forget Dora the Explorer who has a set of rules she plays by. Explorers don't know how to follow the rules. With a lot of children, you'd say the same thing today, tomorrow, the day after and even the week after and they'd keep doing that particular thing either out of forgetfulness or defiance.

4. Shaming Bad Behaviour

Now this once caused a huge issue at the school because a teacher got tired of talking to a certain boy who refused to do his homework and got his classmates to sing "Shame shame shame shame!" to him. Lo and behold, after school he went and hit some of his classmates. He even used his water bottle on a child's mouth. The mothers of the hurt children were out to actually fight the mother of this boy if we hadn't calmed the situation. Now this boy's mother said we victimised her son by making his friends mock him. Toh! 😂 😂 😂

5. Praising Good Behaviour

Now I had stickers I gave out to children who did well every week in various aspects of school life, ranging from class work to playground ethics. I was accosted by a mother who asked why I hadn't rewarded her daughter any stickers. I explained the reward system to her but she wasn't having it at all. She said I was being partial, maybe because the parents of those children gave me gifts. I was angry o but I just smiled and said "If that's what you think, no problem ma." The next week, the child brought her homework for marking only for me to see that her mother had bought stickers and practically defaced her child's books while trying to overcompensate the child and to show me I wasn't the only one with access to stickers. Smh!

6. Reporting Directly to Parents

I'm not sorry to say this. The next generation would be filled with the worst kinds of humans thanks to lackadaisical and stupid parents. Yes, I used the word stupid because no other word qualifies what I've witnessed as a teacher and school Admin. Some nights I'd stay awake, thinking of certain children, wondering how they'd turn out if they continued as they were. You'd report a child to the parent especially mother and you'd hear stuff excuses such as, "She's a child. She will outgrow it."
"Ah! It's normal nau. That's what children do."
The worst are those that reply, "OK ma" only. Just know that all you said has been tossed into the Dead Sea. Smh!

7. No Contact Punishment

Pick pin. Sit on the air. Frog jump. Kneel down. Stand up. Stretch arms out. Close your eyes. Write a certain sentence 100 times.
We used all these and much more as ways of punishing pupils. Guess what? 😂 Mothers would come complaining to us that we want to disfigure their children with such punishments. A certain girl was told to write a sentence 50 times. She spent over 2 hours writing this statement until school ended. When her mother came to pick her up, she burst into tears and began screaming like we had killed her. 😂 😂 😂 Her mother got angry at the teacher for telling her daughter to write those sentences as punishment.


After a year of trying to be trendy with disciplinary measures in the school, I made an announcement that we were sticking to corporal punishment and any parent who wasn't comfortable with it could withdraw their children. None actually did. 😂 😂 😂 I kukuma started mentioning it during talks with parents of prospective pupils. If you don't like it, please be going. Thank you. Issnor by force.

Dear parents, if you don't want your children punished in school then ensure you raise them right. Because if teachers don't punish them while they're young and starting, life will eventually punish them at some point.

from Fruitty Blog

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