Sunday 28 June 2020

Adele Offers a Rare Update on When to Expect Her New Album

Adele Offers a Rare Update on When to Expect Her New Album

Instead of celebrating Adele's weight loss, may I suggest ...
Adele's last album, 25, came out in November 2015, when she was 27 years old. She is now 32 years old, and we haven't released another album. She definitely makes one believe in the phrase "you can't rush a genius," but 2020 has been a hard year. Fans want to know when we can put a new Adele album on blast. The singer, who is usually pretty reserved about her work, gave her followers an update.
After she posted this Instagram photo of herself singing, fans wanted to know if she was giving them a hint about new music. "Teaser? Album coming out today???!!!! Tell me now???!!!!" She responded: "Of course it's not. Corona ain't over. Corona ain't over. Wear a mask and be patient."
adele new album
My friend told me the other day that she walked past a restaurant that said, "Closed until vaccine!" It seems that Adele has also adapted that attitude (or is at least team Get Your Priorities Straight, People!").
She's hardly alone in the decision to hold her album because of the global pandemic that is still raging in America. The Chicks, formerly known as The Dixie Chicks, Alanis Morissette, Haim, Alicia Keys, Margo Price, Lady Gaga, and more have postponed their album release dates this year.
The difference with Adele is that we never knew the original release date for her new album; just like Rihanna, she's keeping us in the dark. But if it's anything like 25, for which she took home Grammys for Album of the Year (which she broke in half for Beyoncé) and Best Pop Vocal Album and which was the world's best-selling album for 2015, the wait will be well worth it.
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from Fruitty Blog

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