Monday 29 June 2020

Html how to comment

HTML Comment Tag: Learn to Comment Out in HTML

HTML comment Tag: Main Tips

  • The <!-- --> is an HTML comment tag.
  • To comment out in HTML, insert information between <!-- and --> tags (browsers won't show these notes).
  • Commenting in HTML allows developers to leave notes about their code, its functionality or to indicate necessary changes for the future.

Commenting in HTML

This HTML comment tag incorporates a comment in the source code of the HTML document. The example below adds a comment HTML:

This will be shown in the browser.
In some cases, you might need to make HTML comment out notes in multiple lines. Use the following code to learn how to comment out HTML multi-line comments (or block comments):

This text is visible. Check the source code for multi-line comment.

Note: there used to be an HTML <comment> tag, but it is not supported by any modern browser. Don't use it to hide your comments.

from Fruitty Blog

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