Monday 14 October 2019

An Open Letter To All Virgins

An Open Letter To All Virgins
An Open Letter To All Virgins

Dear Virgins;
I am writing this letter with all of my heart at the start of this day because I hear about how you cover up yourselves with pride and it gladdens my heart.
Sincerely, it is a beautiful thing that you have kept your virginities, despite all the peer pressures, all the discomforting advances from men who wish to take it, you have held on strong, and it is really really amazingly wonderful.

I salute your strong spirit, zeal, and patience, but before you start swimming in an overdose of pride, I wish to quickly remind you that although being a virgin is a great prove of purity but, YOUR VIRGINITY ALONE DOESN’T GUARANTEE THAT YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A HAPPILY SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP OR MARRIAGE. It never ever does.

A lot of you virgins have been carried away by your immaculate status, placing your virginity above all other qualities and virtues a woman should possess as an ingredient for a happy marriage. A lady friend of mine was making a boast of herself when she said.

“I know am going to have a good happy marriage because am still a virgin, am still untouched, this is the same lady who fights with her father, quarrels with her mother, keeps malice with her brothers, and opposes her pastor."

The main impetus of writing you this letter is to encourage you to fill up your virginity with other qualities. There is no point in marrying a virgin who cannot cook for her husband; there is no use of having a virgin who detest house chores, a virgin who sits lazily at home without trying to make ends meet is of no asset to a husband and what have you.

Get up and make yourself an advantage, build yourself up and stand out from the rest. Your virginity will not last for a lifetime, after your ‘water breaks’ on your wedding night that’s where it ends, what will be left in you are the other qualities and virtues you have built in yourself over the years, that’s what you carry into marriage.
So take your time and equip yourself with other gifts..

  • Learn a skill and be handy.
  • Learn to be domesticated and be good at it.
  • Learn to use your knees in prayer.
  • Learn forgiveness and patience.
  • Learn to spend money wisely.
  • Learn trust.
  • Learn understanding.
  • Learn respect and many others because these are the qualities that will remain in you long after your virginity is gone.

MAINTAIN your virginity, and CULTIVATE good virtues.
I pray you listen to these words and harden not your heart.
Stay safe!

Written By Victor Willz Firdance

from Fruitty Blog

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