Monday 14 October 2019

My Description Of A Future Husband

 My Description Of A Future Husband
 My Description Of A Future Husband
If you are being asked the kind of man you want to marry and your answer sounds like this; "Tall, fair, rich, God fearing, handsome, banker, six packs, pointed nose" then I think you still need to grow or else life will teach you the hard way.
  • Haven't you noticed that once in a while you can still meet people you are attracted to that are far away from your description of a husband? 
  • Have you also noticed that most times some ladies marry their description man and still be unfulfilled in life. 
  • Have you also noticed that sometimes these men come to us but not with that exact description at the moment and we reject them? 
  • Why are we blinded by the kind of material we want our future husband to be like?
Yes, we call it husband material!!!

Listen, Don't describe your choice of man because it is the acceptable way of our so called husband material...

Have you noticed that when you go to a market to get a material for sowing a particular dress for example and you have a particular fine material in mind then you noticed this fine material that you like but the material will extract it's colours when washed, and it becomes useless, and now comparing it to a material that is not so attractive as you expected to get but it has some qualities like, it's durable, stable in colouration, ironable, not easily torn and good looking too. Which will you go for?

• Will you make a wrong choice because you already have a kind of material in mind to get?

Many divorce everywhere!
Scattered homes and family!
Pregnant teenagers everywhere!
Depressed children due to broken home!
Almost Everybody wan marry oyibo pepper.

Can we delete our stupid description and go for something more fumidable and fruitful instead of our lustful thoughts that has destroyed us???

Yes, I will marry a man I am physically attracted to but that's not my priority in the the description of a life partner.

How about we go into a disruptive thinking like this...
My Description Of A LIFE PARTNER..

  1. A crazy and disruptive thinker.
  2. A man that has mentors but has his own words.
  3. A man that can teach me and help me improve in every aspect of my life.
  4. A man that understands the importance and place of a woman in his life and in the world.
  5. A man that is secured enough to let me impact my generation.
  6. A man that knows God for himself.
  7. A man that can provide, protect and love me.
  8. A man that I can be submissive to and follow him as he follows Christ.
  9. A man whom my children will be proud to call father and whom I won't be ashamed to introduce to the World as my Husband.
  10. A man with a consistent character though not perfect but someone that intentionally grows daily.
  11. A man whose libido I can satisfy and not just a man good in bed all to himself alone.
I think its very important that our description of who we want to marry should always be thought about over n over than just the normal tall, handsome, fair, rich, six pack kind of a man.

I pray that this post will provoke a change in ones life this day in Jesus' Name, amen.

Written by Mirian bathelomew.

from Fruitty Blog

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